What’s that smell? That’s not what you want to hear from friends and family when they come to visit. Even if you spend hours scrubbing sinks, tubs, and showers in your San Antonio, Texas, home to get everything guest-ready, drains sometimes emit foul odors. While most odor-causing problems are relatively easy to fix, some can signal a serious issue with your plumbing system. Here are some common causes for bad-smelling drainage pipes and how to resolve them.

Kitchen Clogs

If everything in your home smells fresh except the kitchen sink, chances are that a buildup of grease is to blame. As grease goes further down the pipes and creates a clog, over time, the accumulation of sediments creates a foul odor and hot water only makes the problem worse. Use these grease-disposal tips to keep your sink odor-free:

  • When doing dishes, scrape grease and oil into another vessel like an empty coffee can for disposal. Never pour grease down the drain
  • Avoid tossing greasy scraps of food into the garbage disposal.
  • Occasionally grind lemon or orange rinds in the garbage disposal or freshen with baking soda or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar.
  • Use a paper towel instead of a sponge when wiping up grease splatters.

Trapped-In Odors

Every drain in your home is designed to take water to the sewer. To block sewer gases, each fixture is equipped with a section of pipe called a trap. Every time you use a plumbing fixture, a small amount of water stays in the trap. Often, odor-generating particles get trapped too. Cleaning the traps on a regular basis helps keep bad smells at bay.

Sewage Smells

When it comes to hold-your-nose odors, check the vents. Plumbing vents improve drainage by drawing air inward, and they also allow dangerous sewer gases to escape outside. A plugged vent presents risks to your health and safety. Sewer gases are toxic and explosive. A qualified plumber can ensure that pipes and fixtures are vented properly.

From leak detection to drain cleaning, Woods Comfort Systems offers all you need to eliminate plumbing smells from your home. For additional information, check out our plumbing solutions or call 512-842-5066.

Image provided by Shutterstock


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