You’ve just signed the contract and walked off with the keys to your new home in San Marcos, Texas. Once the euphoria clears, there are still a few steps to follow before settling into your new home. Preparing to move into a new home can be overwhelming. That’s why every new homeowner should use this ultimate checklist:

Clean the House Thoroughly

When a previous owner vacates a home, they usually don’t clean up after themselves. Once they empty the house of furniture and appliances, there will be dirt and dust in every nook and cranny. If you can’t face cleaning the whole house yourself, round up the family or some friends to pitch in. The job will go faster and be a lot more fun. Alternatively, hire a professional cleaning service that can give the house a thorough cleaning. If you notice signs of rodents or pests, you’ll also need to call an exterminator.

Complete Home Improvements

In an older home, you’ll probably need to complete some repairs or renovations. If you planned ahead, you factored these costs into your home loan or saved up extra funds to pay for repairs.

Whether you need to fix plumbing, give the house a fresh coat of paint, lay new flooring, or renovate the kitchen, it’s best to get maintenance and renovation projects out of the way before you move. Once moved in, you’ll want to enjoy your new home and not suffer the noise and inconvenience of work being done on the property.

Replace the HVAC System

Summer in Central Texas is hot. A well-functioning air conditioner is vital. If the AC system is showing its age, now’s a good time to replace it. In a new-build home, find out what type of HVAC system the builder will install. You may want to change to a more energy-efficient system, like a zoned system or a geothermal heat pump. Changing the HVAC system is cheaper during the construction stage than it is after the home is built.

You can also increase your home’s value by adding new HVAC technology, like a smart thermostat. The Nest Thermostat lets you program the temperature and control your HVAC system remotely. This means you can switch off the HVAC system when you’re not home and turn it back on when you’re returning, which helps you save energy and money. A programmable thermostat can cut your energy bill by 10 to 15 percent.

Test the Smoke Detectors

An important step when moving into a new home is addressing safety issues. When viewing homes, most people don’t check the smoke detector. Even after moving in, it’s something that can slip your mind — until you need it. Don’t wait until an emergency happens.

Run a smoke detector test as soon as possible. Don’t rely solely on the test button; this only tests the alarm sound. If the sound is weak or there’s no sound, the batteries probably need replacing. To test the response to smoke, hold a few blown-out matches beneath the unit or use a smoke test aerosol spray.

Check for New Homeowner’s Insurance Discounts

Moving into a new home may come with some welcome discounts. If you’ve moved into a safer neighborhood, a gated community, or installed home security or smart home technologies, you may qualify for lower home insurance rates. Ask your insurance company to assess your risk for a possible rate adjustment. In addition, you may also enjoy discounted rates on auto insurance if you now park your car in a garage or live in a low-theft area.

Update Your Address Details

An often-overlooked part of moving into a new house is the boring paperwork that goes with it, like updating your address details. Leave a forwarding address at your previous home and notify relevant companies or organizations such as:

  • Banks and credit card companies
  • Utility companies
  • The Department of Motor Vehicles
  • The Internal Revenue Service
  • Magazine or newspaper subscriptions
  • Your employer

Moving into a new home is an exciting and busy time. Armed with your checklist, you can tackle the move with ease. Checking off air conditioner installation is a breeze with Woods Comfort Systems. For a quick installation, call us at 512-842-5066 today. We’re happy to help every new homeowner transition into their dream house.

Image provided by Shutterstock


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