Spring offers a great opportunity to clean and perform maintenance on your HVAC system. This will improve the efficiency of your system and help you save on utility costs. Here are some spring maintenance tips for your HVAC system in Austin, TX:

Replace the Air Filters

Firstly, air filters help trap dust, dirt and contaminants from entering your home. Over time, they clog, which reduces the efficiency of your air conditioner and indoor air quality. This may also lead to high energy bills and increased wear and tear on your system.

Replacing your air filters once a month will help to improve the efficiency of your HVAC system. It’ll also help to save on utility costs and improve your health.

Clear the Condensate Drain

The condensate drain pipe drains excess water to prevent the drain pan from overflowing. Biological contaminants and dirt can clog the pipe, which may result in leakage and water damage. Clearing your drain pipes will improve the efficiency of your air conditioner.

Inspect Your Ducts

The HVAC ducts help to regulate your home temperature by circulating cool or hot air. However, they’re prone to leaks, which lower their efficiency. Make sure to check your ducts regularly and insulate them properly.

Clean Around the Outside Unit

Ductless air conditioners have two units, an interior air handler and an exterior unit containing a compressor, condenser coil and fan. The compressor can clog with leaves or sticks, which may lower the outdoor unit’s efficiency. Remove any vegetation around the unit and make sure it’s a few feet from any trees.

Check Refrigerant Levels

Finally, it’s essential that your system have sufficient refrigerant for it to run efficiently. Refrigerant leaks can lead to low levels and poor performance. Never handle refrigerant yourself. To ensure properly handling, hire a professional.

Our service technicians provide high-quality heating and air conditioning repair and installation services. We offer unparalleled customer satisfaction and guarantee peace of mind. Contact Woods Comfort Systems today for your HVAC maintenance in Austin, TX.

Image provided by iStock


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