Regardless of how vigilant you are with regard to plumbing upkeep in your San Marcos, Texas, home, you’ll eventually deal with a repair or maintenance. However, some plumbing problems require more attention than others. From your bathroom to your kitchen, keep an eye out for catastrophic plumbing problems that require a professional’s attention.

Leaky Pipes

Although San Marcos experiences relatively mild winters, temperatures still dip below freezing from time to time. This presents a problem, especially if you have leaky pipes.

When pipes leak and freeze, they can rupture or come loose. When it warms up, you might experience flooding. If these pipes are in your basement, they can cause a hazard, especially if they come into contact with electrical components.

Leaky Water Heater

When your water heater springs a leak, it can turn into a major problem without immediate attention. To limit the damage, turn off the water valve and fuel source until a professional plumber can amend the situation.

Overflowing Toilet

When your toilet overflows, it can cause serious hygiene and structural problems. Sometimes you can easily fix the clog by using a plunger or replacing the float. But other times, the situation is far more involved.

If you can’t unclog the toilet on your own or it continues to overflow, you might have a drain blockage. In this case, you’ll need one of our professional plumbers to fix it.

Scalding Water

Water heaters provide an unbeatable service, giving you hot water when you need it for bathing or cooking. But if you turn on your hot water only to find that it’s excessively hot, there could be a problem with your water heater. This can pose a serious threat to your family’s well-being.

When you don’t have the technical proficiency to fix a plumbing problem in your home, enlist the help of a professional. Contact Woods Comfort Systems today at 512-842-5066.

Image provided by Shutterstock


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