It can be challenging to measure the seriousness of a heating problem. Scheduling repairs only to learn that the malfunction is too costly or too complex can feel frustrating and disheartening. Fortunately, there are a few ways to tell when to plan for a heating system replacement. Recognizing these signs early will help you replace your heater before you need to rely on it.
Your Energy Costs Won’t Level Out
Providing consistent maintenance can decrease the rate of wear and tear damage your system suffers. But that doesn’t mean this type of damage won’t affect your system at all. While annual service will help extend the lifetime of your furnace, you will need to replace your heater eventually. If your energy waste seems out of control, it might be time to upgrade to a new and more efficient heating system.
You’re Spending Too Much Money on Heating Repairs
Just as there are common AC repairs that need attention in the summer, your heating system also requires prompt service.
While occasional repairs are necessary, frequent malfunctions should concern you. They suggest that your system is losing its ability to heat your home. If you’re often spending hundreds of dollars on repairs, a heater replacement might be a more cost-effective solution.
You Suspect a Carbon Monoxide Leak
If your heating system includes a traditional furnace, you should have a carbon monoxide detector near the unit. A heavy or consistent carbon monoxide leak can cause serious health risks, including unconsciousness and death. Even if the detector doesn’t signal a leak, a yellow pilot light suggests the presence of carbon monoxide.
The most common cause of a leak is a cracked heat exchanger. Unfortunately, replacing this part can be just as expensive as a heater installation. Consider the age and performance of your current system when deciding whether to replace the heat exchanger or install a new furnace.
Your Furnace Makes Unusual or New Sounds
The EPA reports that since 1979, there have been 19,000 cold-related deaths. These statistics indicate the importance of maintaining functional heating systems in cold-weather climates. Pay attention to changes in the system’s operation. While some unusual sounds might indicate a need for minor repairs, other noises are more serious.
If your heating system starts making loud booming or banging sounds, schedule HVAC services right away. These noises can indicate a fuel leak or blockage. A popping sound indicates the system’s inability to regulate temperatures. Your HVAC technician can help you decide whether to repair the underlying cause of a strange noise or replace the system.
You See Visible Signs of Corrosion
Arrange for professional heating services as soon as you notice rust or other signs of corrosion. This type of issue can lead to gas leaks and other serious safety issues in your home. In some cases, an HVAC technician can install a new component. If the corrosion is more widespread, plan to replace your heater.
Get a Handle on Your Heating Problems
Whether it’s early fall or mid-winter, Woods Comfort Systems will help you install or maintain an effective and efficient heating system. We provide inspections and tune-ups to keep your HVAC system operating at peak efficiency. When you need repairs or a new heater installation, we’ll provide transparent and reliable service. For superior service, schedule an appointment with us today.