Is your home in San Marcos, TX, insulated to improve your R-value and reduce your energy bill? With proper insulation, you can significantly reduce energy consumption year-round. Smart maintenance will also lower your energy bill. Here are three ways to effectively insulate parts of your home and attic to create a greener and more cost-efficient household:
Insulate Your Water Heater
It takes more energy to heat water in the winter. However, even during a hot Texas summer, an insulated water heater will ensure you don’t use more energy than necessary when you run the shower or faucets.
Plus, water heater covers are easy to install. A simple fiberglass wrapping around the water heater is all it takes. This simple wrap is equally effective in winter and summer, so it’s a one-time fix that provides years of substantial savings.
Insulate Your Attic
A lot of air escapes through your attic windows, and this is especially problematic in colder weather. Plastic sheeting may not be the most attractive option. But it’s an extremely cheap and effective way to increase the R-value of your home.
All you need is a large roll of plastic wrap and a hair dryer. Most people don’t spend a lot of time in the attic. Use this method to insulate your attic if you don’t want to spend a lot of money. When it comes to attic insulation, effective and cheap is often the best route.
Schedule an Attic Inspection
Attic insulation efforts won’t be effective if you don’t maintain your existing insulation. A poorly maintained attic won’t efficiently maintain desired temperatures. Check your attic every year, and replace flimsy or missing insulation when necessary. Remember to schedule a professional inspection if you just moved into a new place or you’re planning to sell your home.
Woods Comfort Systems is here to help you insulate your home and attic, and we hope the DIY tips in this article help you reduce your energy footprint. To further lower energy consumption and put more money in your pocket, call us for a professional consultation today.
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