Building a new house is always an exciting endeavor. You can design a comfortable place for your family to spend time together, have fun, and relax after a hard day of school or work. You should consider your new HVAC system along with wall colors, decor and other design options. The right HVAC system for your San Marcos, Texas, home will increase its value and help you save money. When you’re installing an HVAC system in your new home, think about the best type of unit, its sizing and your indoor air quality.

Efficient HVAC Systems

There are many different types of heaters, air conditioners and heat pumps available. You can save energy and reduce your utility bills by choosing an efficient model. Heaters and air conditioners that require less power are usually more expensive. But you’ll get your investment back through energy savings in the future.

If you want to reduce construction costs, choose a ductless or packaged system. A ductless HVAC system has indoor air handlers that attach to walls or ceilings and connect to an outdoor unit. That way, you won’t have to pay a professional to design and build ductwork. You also won’t have to worry about dirty or leaky ducts. As a result, you’ll save money by not extending ductwork or wasting energy.

You’ll save on construction with a ductless model because the indoor units don’t need their own storage space like most HVAC systems. If you add more than one indoor unit, you can control them separately to avoid heating or cooling unoccupied rooms. This feature is called HVAC zoning.

Packaged HVAC systems come from the factory with most of their parts in one casing. Therefore, installation is quick and easy. Since all the components are close together, they’re more efficient than conventional central systems. You can choose a window unit, a wall-mounted unit or a rooftop unit. With more than one packaged system, you can use zoning and control each unit remotely with a programmable thermostat.

A geothermal heat pump is more expensive than most other systems. But it can last for decades. Instead of transferring heat to or from the outside air like a conventional heat pump, it exchanges heat with the ground or a nearby well or pond. Since ground and water temperatures don’t fluctuate as much as air temperatures, it’s much more efficient as well. As a result, a geothermal system can save you lots of money.

Sizing an HVAC System

Choosing an efficient system won’t help if it’s not the right size for your home. An HVAC system that’s too small will struggle to keep your family comfortable. It could also break down sooner from excessive wear and tear. If your system is too big, it’ll heat or cool your home too quickly and waste energy. Large units come on and turn off often. As a result, they cause uncomfortable temperature fluctuations.

An expert can use the Air Conditioning Contractors of America’s Manual J specifications to calculate the optimal capacity for your HVAC system. A professional installer takes many factors into account, including the:

  • Amount and type of insulation in your home
  • Number of windows
  • Square footage
  • Local climate
  • Amount of shade provided by your landscaping

A professional should also use Manual D to determine the best size for your ductwork. They should design the most efficient path through your house for conditioned air.

Indoor Air Quality Matters

Poor indoor air quality can lead to asthma or allergy symptoms, rashes, sore throats and other issues. Since ductless systems have a separate air filter for each indoor unit, they can keep contaminants such as dirt, dust, pet dander, pollen, and biological growth from spreading through your home’s air or ducts.

You can also have a whole-home air purifier installed to help your system’s filter catch pollutants. Avoid building materials that can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as particle board and many paints and varnishes. VOCs include acetone, formaldehyde, ammonia and xylene. They can cause dizziness, headaches and fatigue.

Woods Comfort Systems has over 60 years of heating, cooling, indoor air quality and new construction experience. We can help you as you build an efficient, comfortable new home. For outstanding service, call us anytime at 512-842-5066.

Image provided by Shutterstock


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