As a New Braunfels, Texas, homeowner, you’ve probably dealt with air conditioner issues before. You’ve heard a strange sound coming from your air conditioner, but you didn’t know if it was the sign of a serious problem or a normal noise. Since neglecting to address HVAC problems can cause major breakdowns, it’s important to know the difference between normal sounds and signs of trouble. From squealing to buzzing, here are four air conditioner sounds you should never ignore.


Nothing will get your attention quite like a high-pitched squeal coming from your AC. This is a common indicator that your cooling system’s fan belt is experiencing issues. It’s an easy problem for the experienced team at Woods Comfort Systems to fix. We’ll determine whether the belt needs an adjustment or if it’s time for a replacement.


If you hear a rattling sound coming from your cooling system, it’s easy to assume there’s a loose screw or another minor problem. While this could be the sign of a loose object, it may also signal that the compressor needs emergency repairs. Remember that regular HVAC maintenance can increase the chances of identifying issues like this before they escalate.


An air conditioner that clicks incessantly is annoying, but does it signal a serious problem? If you hear this sound when the system turns on and off, there’s a good chance your air conditioner has an electrical issue. Always leave electrical concerns to our professional service technicians, and don’t try to address them on your own.


You already know the familiar hum of your air conditioner means your cooling system is kicking into gear to keep your home comfortable. If you hear a loud buzzing sound, however, consider it a sign that your HVAC system has a loose part or a motor issue. When you hear this telltale sound, call our service team right away.

When you hear one of the aforementioned sounds, don’t leave your air conditioner hanging. Contact Woods Comfort Systems at 512-842-5066 for fast and friendly emergency air conditioning services. 

Image provided by Shutterstock


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